Sunday, December 15, 2013


Headphones are used to listen to music in any environments. It also helps multi-taskers to help them get their things done. It helps us to turn off the distractions and get down to business. In others point of view, they believe that headphones prevent interruptions while providing their personal work environments. On the other side consider listening to music to be motivating for some of us while doing the work.   
Especially, it helps us to listen to music with headphones anywhere in the environment, such as a quiet area, concert hall, home, at school except in classroom. People may use headphones to avoid social interactions so that, people will not be bothered. Personally, I use headphones to listen to my lessons and practice so I can remember what my lesson went over. Headphones are useful when I want to listen to one thing without distraction. I feel comfortable in my personal space while listening to the music I enjoy.

One thing that people don’t know about headphones is that they don’t know the potential damage of the headphone when listening to it extremely loud for long time. It is similar as going to a hard rock concert, where people stand and yell of glory to their music when they are standing nearby the amps. As they stand there long, when they enter quiet sections, they will hear ringing sounds and feel an uncomfortable pain as a consequence. Musicians do not use much headphone except during studying and practice for this heath concerns. Although, headphone is great to use for people who needs to use it.


  1. This post makes me both sad and glad. Sad because I constantly blast music while at the gym, and glad because now I know what I am doing to my ears. Headphones are a great way of turning up music and forgetting about the world, but we often don't think about the damage we do to ourselves just to achieve that state. For me, sometimes the damage to my ears is worth it, just because I need a break, but other times it makes me really think twice about how I use my Dre Beats. Good job keeping us aware of the harmful effects of headphones.

  2. I agree with you completely. I actually never use headphones for that reason. I only use them when i'm talking to someone on the phone so it can be hands free. Being a percussionist, I understand what loud sound can do to your hearing. I always were earplugs to prevent hearing loss. Headphones are concentrated sound that rip right through your eardrums. And what many people also don't know is once you loss the cochlear fibers, which send the waves from the eardrum to the brain, you can never get them back. That ringing you were talking about is the sound of your fibers ripping. Great blog post. Very important for people to know.

  3. Headphones are a very useful tool in the art classroom, too. Whenever I am working in the art studios, I bring along my mp3 player and headphones to listen to music. It takes me to my own world where I can work on my art where I am comfortable while still respecting the shared space that I am in.
    I have heard that blasting your headphones is very bad for your hearing. I do listen to my music rather quietly. Whenever I overhear music playing in someone else’s headset it is rather distracting. It’s like they merge into my space, which drives me crazy. So on top of being a health issue, but also politeness. Great blog!
