Sunday, December 15, 2013

Technology Integration Plan

            For the last interactivity final project, I chose the lesson that I did from a canvas. The lesson was about how students learn to identify different sound of the instruments by listening to it on YouTube, and they learn simple rhythms in order to improvise the lesson later and share their work to the class. Through this lesson, the students will review different sounds that each instrument produces. They will continue to learn about rhythms notations such as quarter notes and eighth notes that make the simple rhythms. As they continue to learn and practice the basic rhythm notations given from the professor, the teacher will ask the students to create their own rhythms that can be performed as a group. The final part of the lesson is to compose their own improvisation, and perform it with the given instrument to share with the class.
            On my first row of my spreadsheet final project includes teaching strategy of a direct lesson for the students. In this part, teachers see how the students understand a different sound that each instrument makes. In NJCCCS standard 1.1.2.B.4, categorize families of instruments, and identity their associated musical properties. The NetS-S standard 4.d uses multiple processes, and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. The internet Google search or public library online database can be used for visual presentations for students to review. In addition, they can search on YouTube and review teacher’s PowerPoint to review which instruments is which. Through these technologies, they can search on their own to explore individually.
            My next row involves work is for students to read, listen and exercises that includes detail information about the instruments. This section uses NJCCCS standard 1.1.2.B.1 explores the elements of music through a verbal and written response to both diverse aural prompts and printed scores. The NetS-S standard 4.4, which is about collecting, organizing, analyzes date and decision making First, the teacher would demonstrate the activity and the student would do the rest of the activity. The students would march the sounds of each instrument and the notations that each instruments makes so that they are gaining the knowledge of rhythms. Then as they reach to end the activity, the students will come together and discuss what kind of answer that they got, and this is where the teacher do formative assessment of the students’ knowledge of understands this lesson. The teachers would use iTunes for listening to songs that the students listens to different instrumentations and they will also explore YouTube and watch the “Peter and the Wolf” so that they clearly understand a simple instrumentations makes these different sounds.
            The third rows in my matrix are about teachers demonstrating a small-improvised rhythm to the students, so they can do the similar one. This includes students to create creativity of their improvisation, performance and writing. This uses NJCCCS standard 1.3.2.B.5 which is about improvising short tonal and rhythmic patterns to create expressive ideas, except the teacher is only allowing students to use rhythmic patterns to create short composition. The NetS-S standard 1 is about a creativity to create works of art and use in digital presentations. Through this lesson, they can use computer app and Garage band to compose their own music by exploring, and making music. They can use additional technology devices such as iPods, mp3 and phones to listen or remix their composition to make it creative. Then, they would email to the teacher or share to their friends and family what they have made.
            The fourth row contains student’s evaluations such as formative assessment by going over their group presentations. This will use NJCCCS standard 1.3.8.B.2, which they will perform independently or in a group with expressive qualities appropriately aligned with the stylistic characteristics of the genre. The NetS-S standard 6 uses digital imaging technology to modify, and to create works of art for digital presentations use. The students will be using Garage Band on the computer to present in class, and then email the final project to share with his or her friends and family what they made in class. This is similar to the third row in exception to this section allows students to talk about their music in class.
            Finally, the last row includes students to individually perform or group presentations on the performance of their composition, and answer questions from others critics in the classroom of why they did this composition; which later it will end up as a class discussion. Through this, they will use any technology devices that help them in their project, so that they can successful present their project. This demonstrate NJCCCS standard 1.3.P.B.2 which is to use a variety of musical instruments to create music, alone or with others, using different beats, tempos, dynamics, and interpretations. The NetS-S standard 1.b concentrates on creativity and innovation that creates original works as a means of a personal or group expression. For the purpose of assessment, the students will be asked to share their project and will be asked from the teachers or other classmate what they used and why is it meaningful, and why it is written like that. Then the teachers can see if the students understand the concept of musical terms and musical elements. The students will use any technology devices, and the computer Google search to help them back up their information that they learned in class.



Headphones are used to listen to music in any environments. It also helps multi-taskers to help them get their things done. It helps us to turn off the distractions and get down to business. In others point of view, they believe that headphones prevent interruptions while providing their personal work environments. On the other side consider listening to music to be motivating for some of us while doing the work.   
Especially, it helps us to listen to music with headphones anywhere in the environment, such as a quiet area, concert hall, home, at school except in classroom. People may use headphones to avoid social interactions so that, people will not be bothered. Personally, I use headphones to listen to my lessons and practice so I can remember what my lesson went over. Headphones are useful when I want to listen to one thing without distraction. I feel comfortable in my personal space while listening to the music I enjoy.

One thing that people don’t know about headphones is that they don’t know the potential damage of the headphone when listening to it extremely loud for long time. It is similar as going to a hard rock concert, where people stand and yell of glory to their music when they are standing nearby the amps. As they stand there long, when they enter quiet sections, they will hear ringing sounds and feel an uncomfortable pain as a consequence. Musicians do not use much headphone except during studying and practice for this heath concerns. Although, headphone is great to use for people who needs to use it.


Tuners are one of the most popular for musicians, because it is reliable to tune their instruments. Tuners are originally came from tuning fork, which is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two pronged fork with the prongs that is made of tins. It is formed from a u-shaped bar of elastic metal. It resonates at a specific constant pitch when it the set vibration strikes against any sorts of object, it rings, dies out and fades the sounds.
Second devices that is most popular as tuners is an electronic tuners used by musicians to detect and display the pitch of notes played on musical instruments. It is reliable to use, because of its indication of the approximate pitch of the note s played lower, higher or equal to the desired pitch. The electronic devices are mostly precious than the metal tuner, because metal tuner needs extreme concentration to listen to the pitch to tune the instrument, in which the electronic devices already tells whether it is tune or not.
There are another tuners that are used to download software or applications to the people’s phone or iPods. Technologies have developed increasingly that we downloaded on tech devices to use on iPod and phones without carrying the devices such as the metal tuners and the electronic tuners. Downloading the apps on phones or iPods is is accessible in order to saves more time to use it. Through this generation, I noticed that most musicians reply on carrying it instead of downloading the software than the electronic devices or the old fashion tuner, the metal tuner. The only disadvantages of using tuners on iPods or phones is during a rehearsal because these devices may be considered unprofessional and puts distraction to themselves and other people around.


           Another device that helps in music class is the usage of iPod. As long as iPod can connect into speakers or computers, then through iTunes, anything can happen such as listening to the music to share in class. In addition, iPod is what majority of the student’s uses to listen to the music. Another advantage about iPod is that it can hold pictures, and videos, which mean students, have access with iPod, can watch and listen music video or songs through this device. It is also easy to carry because nowadays it is more compacted.
One reason why iPod shouldn’t be used in class for students is because the students will be distracted in class. I believe that when teacher use iPod in classroom then students thinks that they also can use in class, which is not true. One thing that way is because we teachers are their role models, and because we use does not means they are legible to use the material. Any schools are not allowing the students to listen or hold any technology devices because they will be distracted from their studies and will end up getting trouble from teachers.
It is important that the students understand the usage of iPod in music classroom. The only reason for teachers to use this device is to allow students to learn what they need to learn. Not only of students perspective of usage of iPods, but they should also learn the proper way to use the iPod. Due to the frequent listening of the songs using iPods which cause a ear damages. Finally, they should learn about the important of usage of iPod in class. Then, maybe after learning, they can learn that iPod is not great, but it is helpful to use in music classroom to grab attentions.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Recording is a process of capturing data and other information. Anything that is auditory. For me, I use recording for a class, which helps me to remember what I learned in my other classes. I started to record my classes and my lesson so that I remember what my classmate and my professor talked about. It mostly started with my lesson, because I kept forgetting what my professor told me about, so listening back to my old lessons, helped me through my practices. If I don’t listen or record I noticed that I repeat some of my mistake from my previous lesson, and go over the same material again to the next lesson, which I shouldn’t be doing. So, recording my lessons while practicing helps me to regain the material and helps me to consistently keep continuing on learning the new material in the next lesson. It also helps to listen to my professor’s performance and practice the style that he or she performed. I can imitate his or her playing when I listen to what the professor performed.
            Recording other classes helped throughout my college career. Since music majors take numerous classes, I couldn’t keep track of what my professor talked about I each classes. I would get confused, but lately, I don’t get confused, because of recording my classes. I record on my phone, then transfer to my computer, which I can listen to it multiple times. If its not music class, as I listen back to my recorded class, I can properly take notes and also helps to review for exams.
            There is a lot of usage of recording in music. I know one thing for sure; recorded college auditions are common in the states. My friend who is going to get her Doctors degree is auditioning too with her video recording. It saves her traveling time, and it isn’t nerve racking because it’s not front of the judges.